Who and what they are...
The links below are people and organizations who I have the honor of working with from time to time.organizations such as the Black Rock Coalition have helped me develope as a musician and business person. The others are the artists and activists whose work I admire and who are strong supporters in allegiance with The Free World Network. Many of the links you will find at the other sites are not unknown to me...the FWN is just the beggining of strong and long established relationships. In your cyber travels I hope you find new music that you'll treasure for many years to come. So, go fishin'...
FreeServers.comFREE Web Space for All! is where you'll find the music of TRICKY DILEMMA. One of Mack's more free-form and exploratory musical adventures... site contains recent music written and recorded by Bruce Mack as well as music recorded with earlier projects-PBR-StreetGang and Rebels Be Phunky. group from Long Island, New York,VISION QUEST. The "ones to watch (and listen)for!" - Billboard Magazine of the newest and most creative DJ/producers in the Free World! Hot new tracks for download! music of Thom Blast Murray and AFROFRAKTAL.The mystery mastery of avante garde music!Don't sleep!
www.blackrockcoalition.orgThe emancipation proclamation for Black Music since1985. If you don't know, you better ask somebody!
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